
hungarian prefix

pmj0403 2008. 4. 26. 09:37
hungarian prefix

- Hungarian Prefix

f Flag

ch Char
sz String

b Byte
w Word
u Union
n Integer
l Long
u Unsinged

fp Float

rg Array
p Pointer
r Reference

i Index
ff Bit Flags
c Count
d Difference

v Void
fn Function
h Handle
mp Map Array
m_ Class Member Variable
g Global Variable

hInstance → h : handle

iCmdShow → i : integer

접두어 data type

c char

by BYTE (unsigned integer)

cb BYTE (count of byte)

n short

i int

x, y int (x좌표와 y좌표에서 사용)

cx, cy int (x 또는 y 길이로 사용, c → count)

b, f BOOL(int), f → flag

w WORD(unsigned long)

l LONG(long)

dw DWORD(unsigned long)

a array

fn function

s string

sz string(string terminated by zero)

h handle

hdc handle (handle to a device context)

hwnd handle (handle to a window)

p pointer

np pointer (near pointer)

lp pointer (long pointer)

msg MSG 형식의 구조체

wndclass WNDCLASS 형식의 구조체

rect r RECT 형식의 구조체

ps PAINTSTRUCT 형식의 구조체
